
We offer free delivery across UAE for orders above AED 400.
The shipping cost for all orders below AED 400 and international orders will be calculated at checkout.

Delivery time

Your orders will be proceeded within one working day. Delivery time across UAE is three working days and up to 10 working days for international orders.

Tracking Your Order

Your tracking number will be provided in your shipping confirmation email and you can start tracking your order within 24 hours of dispatch.

Order Confirmation Emails

Upon completion of your order, a confirmation email will be sent. If you don’t receive this email please check your junk mail folder. If you are unable to locate this email, please contact us at

Import Duties

Items for delivery outside UAE may be subject to taxes, customs duties and fees levied by the destination country. The recipient of the delivery is  responsible for all import fees. These charges are separate from Louvre Abu Dhabi Boutique shipping charges and we have no control over these charges. Our courier partner will assist you with the processing of payment of these charges (if any), and promptly deliver the shipment.

Missing Orders

You will be able to track your order at every stage from dispatch to delivery. 
In case an order is lost by the courier service, we will dispatch another order. This will be upon confirmation of the lost order from the courier , a maximum of 15 days from the original anticipated delivery date.

Please contact us at: (We reply to all emails within one working day) or by phone +97123055671